Rising Importance of Influencers

for A Social Media Agency

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Marketing is a dynamic field since it is constantly evolving. Brands are always coming up with new ways of approaching and engaging their target audience. Influencer marketing is one of the many results of these ever emerging marketing trends. A few years ago social media emerged as a means of communication and brands capitalised on this by unleashing a plethora of social media ads on their audiences. After a while influencers gained popularity on social media platforms and completely turned the game around. While influencers have been around for quite some time, in recent years, their credibility and their impact on people has increased and so has their importance for brands. Every company and every social media agency in Delhi is going out of its way to collaborate with influencers in a bid to win the trust of their target audience.

One of the reasons why the importance of influencers has skyrocketed is because of the shift in behaviour of today’s consumers. The traditional advertising and marketing strategies don’t have any effect on them anymore. Gone are the days when the usual ads and jingles attracted and amused the masses. The audience of today is tired of the same old marketing techniques and it takes more than that to capture their attention. They lose interest the moment they sense that something is being sold to them. What they crave today is recommendations from people they can trust. While brands and multinational companies are too big to be able to directly gain the confidence of the common folk, it is the influencers that connect the two ends of the spectrum. Their already established connection with the audiences and popularity among the masses makes every social media marketing agency in Delhi want to partner with them to promote their clients’ products and services.

The reason why influencers are able to gain so much favour from every brand and social media agency in Delhi these days is because of their ability to be able to establish personal and authentic connections with the public. In the due course of time they are able to gain the trust of the people through their genuine recommendations and opinions. That is why they are able to deliver higher conversion rates, more leads, and sales.

Influencers are also the preferred choice of every social media marketing agency in Delhi when it comes to approaching niche sections of the audience. The reason for this is that social media influencers are usually experts on certain topics. This lends credibility to the messaging they pass on to their audience and hence allows them to gain a good grasp on the niche. Their detailed knowledge allows them to amass a following that is loyal and religiously follows their content. Hence, they are able to connect brands to the right kind of audience.

Future Scope

This is a really interesting phase for influencers all over the world since the field of influencer marketing is booming with possibilities and it is set to see more growth in the coming years. There will be more sponsored content and paid partnerships between brands and collaborators. Another interesting trend emerging in the sphere of influencer marketing is the rise of micro influencers. They are social media personalities with a following that ranges between 10k and 100k. The reason why brands are going gaga over them is that micro influencers provide access to much smaller and tightly knit communities. Due to more authentic and relatable content they have the trust of a very loyal community of followers who religiously follow their content and get influenced by it.


The landscape of digital marketing completely flipped with the rise of Influencer marketing. For brands, it opened the doors of their target audience’s homes and for every social media agency in Delhi, it brought a lot of new marketing opportunities. Brands are now able to connect with the public at a much more personal level and create bonds with them that last longer providing them with higher sales, leads, and conversion rates.